Well it has been a very long time since I wrote! It has been a hectic semester and I am finally passed it all, well most of it. I took two incompletes in my classes to finish over the break. It was just too much this semester with personal life to handle it all at once. I thought I was going to have a break down. Thankfully God blessed me with some great teachers who understand that life gets in the way when we least expect it to take so much control of our thoughts. Alls well that ends well. Now, fingers crossed I can make A's in my two classes left and bring my running total up to a miraculous 3 As! In other news...
My family FINALLY has a home in Nashville. This takes so much stress off of them, thus stress off of me as well. It is so nice to see them settle in. I am home for Christmas with them, well sort of. I will be working everyday with the exception of Sunday and Christmas Day, so I hope to at least spend a little time with the family and bestest friend, Erica.
I am very ready for a New Year and new start!