Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My List....

Have you ever dreamed of all you would do in life? Have you ever sat, head in hands and thought I need to do somethin in life and now? I once made a list a very long time ago when I was about forteen years old. This list has become a list of WELL over 100 things to do/see/whitness etc. I have crossed off a "whopping total" of about 12, give or take a few. This is not how I pictured my life.
That is why I am going to change this life I am living now. I want to narrow down my list. My goal? take off eveything I have already done and start over. Evaluate, question, and consider each of the items. Then I am going to get to work on the ones I can do somethin about right now. But this isn't all of the changes I am making. I am going to start planning how I can help others accomplish goals in their own lives. What dreams do others have that can be made true with a push or assistance?This is what I want to find out. This is going to take a long time, that is the plan at least.
I hope to show to each person I know or will meet through this, a little piece of heaven. The beginnings to their piece of heaven.
Who knows? Maybe it will inspire them to help someone's dreams come true and give them a little piece of heaven.