Monday, February 15, 2010

Somwhere Over the Rainbow...

I am not good with funerals. Saturday I went to Leigh Allyn's funeral. There is something about seeing someone your own age with no life in the body they inhabited for 23 years. However, even though I have done this a couple times before with people my own age, this one was somewhat peaceful, as they should be. It was almost as if Leigh Allyn's spirit was surrounding all those she has loved and allowing us to be at peace,as she is at peace. I realize she is healthy now. As Greg so lovingly put in his words, she is breathing air, that heavenly air, and without difficulty. As the funeral began, they played 2 songs and all I could think while listening to them was how much I wanted to laugh...I know it sounds weird and morbid, but it is the honest truth. I wanted to laugh at the memories I have with her and the hilarity she presented so much with in life. What a Wonderful World was one of the songs played and it so clearly demonstrated how she felt about this world and her life. She lived her life so delibrately. She knew her life was a testimony to the power of God and each day was a day she was given as a gift, not garanteed.Sometimes I wish we all saw our lives that way. Each day unexpected, and lived fully.  The other song played was Somewhere Over the Rainbow....I get it. Somewhere Over the Rainbow, she is always healthy, always full of energy, always breathing in the wonderful clean air.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Keep Your Face to the Sunshine...

Tuesday night a friend of mine passed away. She was one amazing witness of God's power and love. Leigh Allyn Tucker has lived her 23 years of life with Cystic Fibrosis. This, however, never defined Leigh Allyn's life. To define Leigh Allyn would be to use words like, love, peace, spirited, and the list can contiue on and on. Leigh Allyn is still someone I think of when someone asks, who did you look up to growing up? Who made a difference in your life and probably never knew it? This and so much more defined Leigh Allyn in my life. On Leigh Allyn's blog she wrote about life with CF and daily routines as well as how she was dealing with the disease. These are a few words from Leigh Allyn.
"I do not feel sorry for myself for having a chronic illness, for I believe it has brought people in and out of my life that I normally wouldn't have met. It has made me the strong woman I am today. I can't imagine life without this disease. I feel God has put this obstacle in my lap to show others you can't take life for granted and you must live it to its fullest. My faith keeps me strong and keeps me living day to matter your situation, if you keep your face to the sunshine and to Him you can do ANYTHING. Leigh Allyn Tucker

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My List....

Have you ever dreamed of all you would do in life? Have you ever sat, head in hands and thought I need to do somethin in life and now? I once made a list a very long time ago when I was about forteen years old. This list has become a list of WELL over 100 things to do/see/whitness etc. I have crossed off a "whopping total" of about 12, give or take a few. This is not how I pictured my life.
That is why I am going to change this life I am living now. I want to narrow down my list. My goal? take off eveything I have already done and start over. Evaluate, question, and consider each of the items. Then I am going to get to work on the ones I can do somethin about right now. But this isn't all of the changes I am making. I am going to start planning how I can help others accomplish goals in their own lives. What dreams do others have that can be made true with a push or assistance?This is what I want to find out. This is going to take a long time, that is the plan at least.
I hope to show to each person I know or will meet through this, a little piece of heaven. The beginnings to their piece of heaven.
Who knows? Maybe it will inspire them to help someone's dreams come true and give them a little piece of heaven.